June 12, 2009

Break Time

Yeah. It finally happened.

John and I are on a "break" which in all experiences, both personal and with my friends, means that we "broke up".

He came into town today just to tell me. He didn't give me reason and at the time I didnt want one but now I do and I want him back and I need him back and I know he isn't coming back and my heart is absolutely broken into a zillion pieces.

I get it why they call it a break because everything in you breaks and falls to pieces. Pieces that are too small to put back together and even find.

I don't know what to do I have to erase him from my life now and everything I have and everything I do reminds me of him!

I have to get rid of the albums of pictures we have and the clothes that I stole/ borrowed from him and make it known on my blog and Facebook that we broke up.

Everything hurts so bad right now. I just want to cry but I cant because even if I try to just let the tears flow they refuse.

I feel like my life has ended and I don't know how to pick the pieces back up and try again.

I know I have people in my life that still love me but he was the one for me and now I am having the toughest time trying to start again and live life again. I am just plain heartbroken and I don't know how to heal anymore. For all my medical issues I take meds, I dont have meds for a broken heart and time isn't helping, no matter how hard I try to ignore it or sift through it in my head I still don't get it and that is the worst part, not understand where it all went wrong.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so so sorry to hear this.
    My brother went through this when he g/f broke up with him unexpectedly. We told him to give her her space and if it was meant to be, she'd come back. She did come back a few months later and they are now married.
    Try to stay strong and if it's meant to be, you'll be together again.
