April 3, 2009

I am so tired

I am so tired today.

I am tired of the silence

I am tired of fighting

I am tired of complaints about pain

I am tired of health issues

I am tired of prescriptions

I am tired of diets

I am tired of not knowing what to do

I am tired of not being able to help

I am tired of not having the pager that was supposed to beep when the doc's were ready to save John's life.

I am just tired.

Tired of being tired

Tired of trying, not trying, crying, wishing I could give up. I'm just really tired.

Plus, I need some advice. John and I has a bit of a set back in our relationship (aka a really massive fight) and now we are having a lot of trouble pulling it all back together! I don't have much/ if any relationship experience before I met John and I don't know how to fix these situations. We've talked... at length... about all of it. We've given each other "alone" time to think it over. We've cried and yelled and just about everything in the book. I am tired of trying so much and nothing working. Someone, Anyone, Please, If you have advice please let me know I would appreciate it so much!


  1. The only advice I would have is keep talking about it. Get all the frustrations, feelings, emotions (good and bad) out in the open. If you wanted to write down your thoughts to make sure you get them all out, that might help too. You both have a lot of things on your plates and that can't make a relationship easy. My husband and I have been together 12 years and we've had our tough spots, but we are committed to each other and know that backing out isn't an option. Good luck!

  2. I tagged you in a post. Play along if you want to!
