May 21, 2009

The newest news

John and I talked we still aren't sure what to do but we know we want to try to work things out.

We don't want to break up but don't know how to go from this. We both want to work at it, make it better, but so far neither of us has figured out how that is possible.

I can't imagine my life without him in it and I just can't see a future without him but there are so many other forshadowing problems that I'm not sure we can get through those to make it to that future I so badly want with him.

I don't understand why it has to be SO hard to figure these things out! Why can't I just figure it out in my head. My mind is racing and my heart is hurting and I just want us to go back to normal and maybe I shouldn't have said anything about it and just let us go on out way, the way we were.

I don't know because now it is too late to take it back and now it might be too late to fix it and I am not asking for a perfect relationship (obviously) because I'm human just like John and we make mistakes and I want our relationship to have mistakes so we can grow but this is a huge mistake and we haven't really spoken in the last few days and I am struggling with the fact that maybe (if this ends) I wont ever talk to him again.

I don't know what to do. My mind is so confused and a I am too! Please load all of the advice you can on to me! Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. There are always rough patches in any relationship, is perfectly normal. You both could sit down and right the pros and cons of staying together and discuss those as a starting point.
    It sounds like this is one little bump in your journey together as a couple. There will be many more dangerous curves, steep hills, and road blocks. But if you are meant to be and commit to working things out, your road together can be a long road. Stay strong!
