February 12, 2009

I hate the Liver

I really do hate the liver.
What an awful organ.
It's ugly and I wish we had something more reliable in our bodies to filter waste.
And where the F*$# did liver disease ever come from? Was it God's plan? Yeah really good idea you had there God! F&%@!

I feel so bad for parents who's kids are sick with any kind of disease... especially liver disease. It is the hardest thing to watch someone you love so much dying. And especially in my case, watch them give up! He was always such a fighter until we got the diagnosis and now he thinks he is going to die in a couple days or weeks! He has completely given up. He has a little fight and spirit left in him but it doesn't come out often enough!

Our next appt. is March 3rd and he is such a quitter right now that he might not make it to that appt.

He doesn't realize why fighting is such a big deal to me and even when we fight about it or I talk to him about it he literally sits there and is completely devoid of all emotion like he doesn't want to hear it! I can't make him fight. I'm fighting too... I'm sad too! Maybe that's wrong maybe I'm not supposed to be sad but I am b/c it's like I lost a part of myself too with the diagnosis.


1 comment:

  1. With the way technology is today, it seems silly to give up. Hopefully he'll go to the doctor and something positive will be said that will put the fight back in him.
    I wish I had some advice to give you, but I've never been through anything like that. So try to keep your chin up and be there for your man. Good luck!
